Everything about Hotel Industry

  • From Direct to Dynamic: Types of Reservations Decoded

    A reservation is a process of securing or reserving something in advance, such as a seat, room, or service, typically for a specific time or date. Here are some types of reservation which helps you to understand this topic. These are as follows: Types of Reservation 1. Guaranteed Reservation In this kind of reservation, a…

  • Reservation Modes: Which One Is Good For Guest

    Modes of reservation refer to the different methods or channels through which individuals or groups can make bookings or secure arrangements for various services, facilities, or events. Written Mode In this mode, a guest can make reservation by writing to the hotel. Here are the some different kind of written modes of reservation. These are…

  • Dive in the Fascinating World of Sauces

    A soup which is a liquid or semi-liquid preparation, adds flavour, moisture, amnd texture to a dish. You can use a soup in many ways. These are as follows: Thickening Agents used in Sauces Preparation Various Types of Components Used in Mother Sauce Sauces Liquid Thickening Agent Seasoning Agent Flavoring Agent Ratio Bechamel Milk White…

  • My Amazing Experience in AAHAR Food EXPO Visit

    The AAHAR International Food and Hospitality Fair is one of Asia’s biggest B2B (business-to-business) event in the food and hospitality industry, showcasing a wide range of food products, beverages, hospitality equipment, and technology. It provides a platform for exhibitors and visitors to network, explore business opportunities, and stay updated on the latest trends in the…

  • Soup Sensations: A Culinary Journey Through Broths, Bisques, and More

    Soup is a liquid food consisting of meat, sea-food, vegetable, cereals, poultry etc. They plan an important role on the menu and are regarded as appetizer as they stimulated the appetite for the heavier food to follow. Classification of Soups Clear Soup Thick Soup Cold Soup These soup are served cold but not chilled. Chilling…

  • My First Ever & Amazing Experience in SIAL Food EXPO

    My First Ever & Amazing Experience in SIAL Food EXPO

    SIAL in India is the is the only B2B show with maximum international participation from over 31 countries.    First of all, in this exhibition, the companies which I observe are the following: Conclusion SIAL was a very different kind of experience for me because it was the very first food exhibition that I visit.…

  • Dive in the World of Various Kinds of Cooking Methods

    Dive in the World of Various Kinds of Cooking Methods

    When it comes to preparing food, there are numerous cooking methods to choose from. Each method brings out unique flavors and textures, allowing you to experiment and create a wide variety of delicious dishes. In this article, we will explore some of the most popular cooking methods and how they can transform your ingredients into…

  • Ancillary Department: A Supporting Department in the Hotel

    In the hospitality industry, hotels are complex operations that require the seamless coordination of various departments to provide exceptional service to guests. While the front desk and housekeeping departments may be the most visible, there is another crucial component that often works behind the scenes to ensure the smooth functioning of a hotel – the…

  • The Ultimate Guide for Organizing Cleaning

    By organizing cleaning tasks, effectively allocating time and resources, and maintaining uniform standards, organizations can produce clean and hygienic environments that meet the expectations of residents or visitors. An efficient cleaning approach is basic in delivering a lovely and inviting climate while likewise expanding the viability of cleaning endeavors. Here are a few strategies for…

  • A Comprehensive Guide to Essential Housekeeping Equipment

    Housekeeping equipment comprises a diverse array of tools and machinery essential for the thorough cleaning, maintenance, and organization of living or working spaces. These tools are instrumental in ensuring hygiene, cleanliness, and an overall pleasant environment. Housekeeping equipments are categorized into three groups. These are as shown below: 1. Manual Equipment Manual equipment refers to…

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