Everything You Need To Know About Different Types Of Chopping Boards

The different chopping board colors live for the purpose of food safety. In a colored mincing board system, each board is used for a different type of food or food groups. For illustration, a red mincing board has a different use to a green mincing board.

Using colored boards helps to minimize the threat of cross-contamination by icing that high and low threat foods, similar as raw meat and salad vegetables, are kept separate. In turn, this helps to help outbreaks of food poisoning and upholds a good business character.

As well as this, colored boards also help to help cross-contact between allergens. For illustration, using different boards for dairy-free and dairy crapola can help to keep dairy mislike victims safe and maintain their confidence in your food establishment.

So, what are the types of mincing boards and what are their uses?

Red Chopping Board

A red mincing board is used for raw meat and flesh. exemplifications of when you would use this board include to cut up meat previous to cooking it, to marinate meat, or to debone a piece of meat.

You must use this board whenever you need to work with raw meat. This is essential for precluding cross impurity between raw meat and ready- to- eat foods.

Yellow Chopping Board

A Yellow mincing board is used for cooked meat and flesh. For illustration, cooked flesh like ham, salami, and lemon slices. Meat that you have cooked and that you ’d like to slice or debone, similar as a joint of beef or a whole funk, are also included.

The yellow mincing board must only be used for cooked meat. Raw meat must be prepared independently, on the red mincing board, to avoid cross-contamination.

still, similar as slicing a salmon fillet or deboning a piece of trout, also you should also use the unheroic mincing board, If you need to cut or prepare cooked fish. still, you shouldn’t use it for raw fish.

Blue Chopping Board

You should use a blue mincing board for raw fish, including shellfish. For illustration, you would use it for fish similar as cod, haddock, and pollock, for unctuous fish similar as tuna, salmon, and mackerel, and shellfish similar as prawns, squid, and mussels.

Cutting raw fish on a blue mincing board

White Chopping Board

A white mincing board is used for dairy and bakery particulars. This means you can use it for cutting chuck , galettes, and afters . You can also use it for dairy particulars similar as grating or cutting rubbish.

You should always flash back to wash your mincing boards between uses and especially when you have had food on them that contains an allergen. It could be fatal to prepare chuck on an ignoble white board that you used for rubbish, for illustration.

Green Chopping Board

A green mincing board is used for washed fruits and salad vegetables. You should use this board for cutting up fruit, similar as apples, bananas, and strawberries, and when cutting up salad particulars, like tomatoes, peppers, and cucumber.

Brown Chopping Board

A brown mincing board should be used when you’re handling ignoble root vegetables. For illustration, when you’re cutting potatoes, grating carrots, or slicing beetroot. Root vegetables frequently still have soil on them, so using a brown mincing board helps to insure that this dirt doesn’t come into contact with other food.

Purple Chopping Board

You should use a purple chopping board for preparing free- from products, similar as gluten-free chuck . Not only is this good practice, but it could also help a fatal response for people who suffer with different kinds of allergies. It’s essential that you take way to help cross-contact and antipathetic responses.

When Should I Replace a Chopping Board?

When Should I Replace a Chopping Board ?

Having color chopping boards is important for keeping food safe from microbial cross-contamination and allergenic cross-contact. Still, it’s inversely important to regularly replace your mincing boards, especially when they’re getting old and worn.

There are two ways you can identify whether you should place your chopping board.

If it has deep cutter scrapes on it. Knife scores are necessary on mincing boards due to their purpose. Still, if you notice a large number of cutter scores or some that are particularly deep in the board also it’s time for you to replace it. Deep cutter scores are the perfect place for bacteria to live and multiply and it’s delicate to clean these scores out completely.

If it no longer sits flat on your work face. Frequently when a chopping board has been gutted lots of times it becomes monstrous and bends, rather than sitting flatly on a face as intended. At this point the mincing board becomes dangerous and you should replace it. However, it can fluently move when you’re cutting commodity and thus poses a peril to you, If it doesn’t sit flat on the face.

It’s also a good preventative measure to replace your colored boards if you find that notoriety has been mixing them up, for illustration if they’ve been using a green board to cut raw meat.






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