From Direct to Dynamic: Types of Reservations Decoded

A reservation is a process of securing or reserving something in advance, such as a seat, room, or service, typically for a specific time or date. Here are some types of reservation which helps you to understand this topic. These are as follows:

Types of Reservation

1. Guaranteed Reservation

In this kind of reservation, a guest have agreed to pay for room even if they don’t arrive at the time of reservation. The reservation can be guaranteed in the following ways:

  • Pre – Payment: Full payment is received from the guest at the time of reservation.
  • Payment through Card: Major credit & debit card companies have developed systems to ensure that participating lodging properties receive payment even if the guest doesn’t arrive at the hotel.
  • Advance Deposit: A specific amount of money deposit by the guest at the time of reservation. The amount is typically large enough to cover one night’s room tariff & tax.
  • Corporate Guarantee: A corporation may sign a contractual agreement with the hotel that company will accept financial responsibility for any no-show business travelers.
  • Voucher: Vouchers are provided by the travel agency to the guests and they take responsibility of payment.
  • MCO (Miscellaneuous Charge Order): It is a voucher provide by the Airline Reporting Corporation (ARC) and payment is done by the Airline Company.

2. Confirmed Reservation

  • The guest simply confirms through a letter or mail but doesn’t pay the amount.
  • In such case, hotel holds the reservation upto 6:00 p.m. on the day of arrival. After 6:00 p.m. hotel room will be release for walk-in guest.
  • There is no compulsion for the hotel to provide room to the guest.

3. Tentative Reservation

  • On the request received from the guests, the hotel provisionally blocks the room and sends the letter or email for the confirmation.
  • If the guest doesn’t send the confirmation till the specified date, then the reservation is automatically cancelled.
  • Consequently, records are updated accordingly.






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