Ancillary Department: A Supporting Department in the Hotel

In the hospitality industry, hotels are complex operations that require the seamless coordination of various departments to provide exceptional service to guests. While the front desk and housekeeping departments may be the most visible, there is another crucial component that often works behind the scenes to ensure the smooth functioning of a hotel – the ancillary department.

What is an Ancillary Department?

An ancillary department in a hotel is a support division that assists in the overall functioning of the establishment. It plays a vital role in providing essential services and amenities to guests, as well as supporting other departments in their operations. Although the specific structure and responsibilities may vary from one hotel to another, common ancillary departments include:

  1. Still Room: This department is responsible for the provision of tea, coffee, milk and milk based drinks, fruit juices and the dishes required during the breakfast such as breakfast rolls, breads, toasts, cereals, egg preparation, waffles, and so on.

Equipment used in the still room are:

  • Salamander
  • Refrigerator
  • Coffee and Tea Making Machine
  • Hot Cabinet
  • Cooking Ranges
  • Cupboards & Racks for Storage

2. Silver / Plate Room: This section is responsible to store and maintains the complete stock of Silver and other service equipments. It maintains the record of silver issued to various outlets. Par stock and banquet equipments are stored neatly, item wise.

Here are the some cleaning methods for silver cleaning. These are as follows:

(i) Burnishing Machine

(ii) Polivit Plate

(iii) Plate Powder

(iv) Silver Dip

(v) Quick Dip

      3. Wash-Up: This department is a very important department, as it washes the kitchen and service equipment. The two sections of Wash-Up area are:

(i) Pot Wash: It is a place for cleaning kitchen pots, pans, and other kitchen utensils. The duties of pot wash staff are:

  • Ensure constant supply of clean pots, pans and other kitchen utensils.
  • Withdrawing the damaged utensils from the use and recording them.
  • Keeping kitchen clean and hygiene.
  • Cleaning kitchen equipment and the filters and duct of the exhaust system.
  • Pest control.

(ii) Ware Wash: It is a place for washing the service equipment like crockery, cutlery, & glassware. Ware wash is done either manually or by washing machine. In Manual Washing, it is divided in to two parts, i.e. two-sink method & three-sink method.

In two-sink method, first sink for cleaning soiled utensils and rinsing too in the same sink. Whereas, in the second sink, it is used to sanitizing washed utensils.

In three-sink method, first sink is for cleaning soiled utensils, second sink is for rinsing the utensils, & third sink is for sanitizing the utensils.

In Washing / Dish-washing Machine, it is used to save labor and time. Following are the three main types of machines.

(i) Spray Type

(ii) Brush Type

(iii)Agitator Water Machine

4. Hot Plate: It is a food pick up counter with cold and hot cabinet, bain-marie, overhead shelf, etc. It is the contact point between kitchen and service staff. Hotplate is controlled by Aboyeur (also known as Barker). It is necessary equipment for dishing out. Language used at the hotplate should be understood by the kitchen staff.

5. Pantry: The pantry, also known as service room, is located between the kitchen and the restaurant. It stores items such as hollow ware, special service equipment, glassware, linen, condiment, disposables, etc. that are not stored in sideboard or hotplate.

This area is used for getting ‘ready to serve’ or ‘organizing for service’, which usually cannot be done in a small area of the side board.

6. Linen Store: It is a store area in the pantry with linen cupboard to store adequate fresh linen that is required during operations. Linen is changed everyday in the linen room on a “one for one basis” that is one clean linen for one soiled or dirty linen.

7. Dispense Bar: It serves alcoholic beverage to guest. It functions as ancillary section in a stand-alone restaurant service alcoholic drinks. It is located near the pantry from where the service staff collect the drinks against BOT (Beverage Order Ticket) and serve to the guest.


Ancillary departments are the backbone of a hotel, working behind the scenes to ensure the smooth functioning of the establishment. From maintaining infrastructure to providing essential services, they play a vital role in supporting guest experience and operational efficiency. Without these departments, hotels would struggle to provide the level of service and comfort that guests expect. Therefore, it is crucial for hotel management to recognize the importance of ancillary departments and invest in their training, resources, and development.





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