Category: Uncategorized

  • From Direct to Dynamic: Types of Reservations Decoded

    A reservation is a process of securing or reserving something in advance, such as a seat, room, or service, typically for a specific time or date. Here are some types of reservation which helps you to understand this topic. These are as follows: Types of Reservation 1. Guaranteed Reservation In this kind of reservation, a…

  • My Amazing Experience in AAHAR Food EXPO Visit

    The AAHAR International Food and Hospitality Fair is one of Asia’s biggest B2B (business-to-business) event in the food and hospitality industry, showcasing a wide range of food products, beverages, hospitality equipment, and technology. It provides a platform for exhibitors and visitors to network, explore business opportunities, and stay updated on the latest trends in the…

  • Soup Sensations: A Culinary Journey Through Broths, Bisques, and More

    Soup is a liquid food consisting of meat, sea-food, vegetable, cereals, poultry etc. They plan an important role on the menu and are regarded as appetizer as they stimulated the appetite for the heavier food to follow. Classification of Soups Clear Soup Thick Soup Cold Soup These soup are served cold but not chilled. Chilling…

  • My First Ever & Amazing Experience in SIAL Food EXPO

    My First Ever & Amazing Experience in SIAL Food EXPO

    SIAL in India is the is the only B2B show with maximum international participation from over 31 countries.    First of all, in this exhibition, the companies which I observe are the following: Conclusion SIAL was a very different kind of experience for me because it was the very first food exhibition that I visit.…

  • A Comprehensive Guide to Essential Housekeeping Equipment

    Housekeeping equipment comprises a diverse array of tools and machinery essential for the thorough cleaning, maintenance, and organization of living or working spaces. These tools are instrumental in ensuring hygiene, cleanliness, and an overall pleasant environment. Housekeeping equipments are categorized into three groups. These are as shown below: 1. Manual Equipment Manual equipment refers to…

  • Guide on Different Living Room Spaces in Hotel

    The Hotel Industry is so big and diverse that each hotel has come up with specialty products and services to carve out a niche for itself. Depending on the service, the clients they are targeting, or their location, rooms can be categorize variously to provide customers with an indication of their profile and what to…

  • KneaD To Know The Elements Used In Bread

    KneaD To Know The Elements Used In Bread

    The people in the modern world thinks that it is difficult to make a bread. In some terms, you can say that you are right. But in most of the conditions you are wrong about it. The actual fact about making a bread is mostly depending upon the climatic conditions (i.e. moist climate, hot weather,…

  • Flower Vegetables: How to Consume Them

    Flower Vegetables: How to Consume Them

    Whenever a person think about a flower, then he thinks of flowers like rose, sunflower, marigold, tulips, daisies, etc. which aren’t providing any nutritional benefits to the human body. But there are some other flowers which are normally used as a vegetables and it can provide nutritional benefits as well. These are bok choy (chinese…

  • Variations of Vegetables – Types, Groups & Famous Choices

    Colorful and nutritious, vegetables are one of the healthiest foods you can eat. Veggies are also very versatile, and depending on a type they can be used fresh for salads or cooked in many different ways.  There are many different types of vegetables and they are often classified based on their edible parts that are…

  • Pasta Paradise: A Flavorful Expedition through Diverse Types of Pasta – Your Ultimate Guide

    One of the most widely available foods in the world is pasta. This common, affordable staple exists in almost every nation in its own distinctive form. Hungary and Germany both have spaetzle. Greece uses orzo. Poland is known for its pocket-sized pierogi. Jewish Ashkenazi households cook kreplach dumplings. With the exception of spaghetti and meatballs,…