filtered photography of two pear fruits

Dive in the World of Various Kinds of Cooking Methods

When it comes to preparing food, there are numerous cooking methods to choose from. Each method brings out unique flavors and textures, allowing you to experiment and create a wide variety of delicious dishes. In this article, we will explore some of the most popular cooking methods and how they can transform your ingredients into culinary masterpieces.

Cooking methods are divided into 3 parts:

  • Moist Heat Method
  • Dry Heat Method
  • Fat Medium Method

Moist Heat Method

The moist heat cooking method involves cooking food by using water, steam, or other liquids to transfer heat to the food being cooked. This method is often used for tougher cuts of meat, grains, vegetables, and certain desserts. Here are some common techniques within the moist heat method:

1. Boiling

It is a cooking method in which food is totally submerged in a pan of liquid, which must be kept boiling at all time. Boiling temperature is at 100 degree celsius (i.e. 212 degree celsius).

2. Blanching

It is a cooking method in which food is briefly submerged in boiling water and then immediately cool to stop further cooking. This technique deactivate the enzyme that can affect the color, texture and flavor of the vegetable. Blanching are of three types.These are :

  • Cold Water Blanching
  • Hot Water Blanching
  • Oil Blanching

3. Poaching

Poaching is a moist cooking method in which food is being cooked gently in water which is just below the boiling point (i.e. 93 degree celsius to 95 degree celsius). Poaching is done for a shorter period of time and the simmering of food for a longer period of time.

4. Steaming

Steaming is a gentle and healthy cooking method that involves cooking food over boiling water. This method helps to retain the natural flavors, colors, and nutrients of the ingredients. Steaming is particularly suitable for delicate foods like fish, seafood, and vegetables. It is also a great option for those who are trying to reduce their oil intake, as it requires minimal or no added fats. Steaming are of two types :

  • Direct Steaming
  • Indirect Steaming

5. Stewing

Stewing is a slow and gentle moist heat method of cooking in which food is completely covered by the liquid. The stew is cooked on a top of stove and both the sauce and the food are served together.

Stew can be done in a covered saucepan or in the oven at low temperature.

6. Braising

Braising is a moist heat method of cooking large piece of food on the stove top having small amount of liquid used after preliminary browning of food. Just like stewing, a liquid is served with the product as a sauce.

7. Poeling

It is a combination of three method such as Stewing – when the meat is cooked in its own juice, Steaming – as the meat is being cooked inside a closed pot with lid on so that the steam inside the pot aiding in cooking, and Roasting – as the meat is browned under a radiated heat to give a glazed look on the meat for texture. Poeling is done by butter as a medium of cooking.

Dry Heat Method

Dry heat cooking methods involve cooking food without the use of moisture, typically by exposing it to direct or indirect heat. These methods are often used for foods that benefit from a crispy or caramelized exterior or for foods that are naturally dry and don’t require moisture for cooking. Here are some common dry heat cooking methods:

1. Roasting

It is a dry heat method of cooking in which a large piece of meat are cooked on a turning spit over an open fire. There are some different type of roasting. These are:

  • Spit Roasting: It is used to marinate meat and cooked on an open flame.
  • Tandoor: It is a method of roasting in Indian cooking in which a clay oven is used, where the meat is chargrilled to impart a smoky flavor to the dish.
  • Barbecue: This technique is very similar to spit fire. The only difference is that the meat is cooked over the radiated heat from the fuel and not directly cooked in flame.
  • Pot Roasting: It is an ancient method of cooking meats in a closed container over a stove or wood charcoal. The dry heat created inside pot covered with a lid helps to cook the meat.
  • Rotisserie: This is a modern version of spit roasting, where the meat are skewered onto a metal rod that rotates in front of heat that is produced either by the electric filament or by gas burner.

2. Baking

It is a dry cooking method of food by the action of dry heat in an oven. During baking, the mixture or moisture in the product expands by air, steam, or carbon dioxide.

3. Grilling

Grilling uses a heat source located beneath the cooking surface. Grill may be electric, gas or can burn wood or charcoal which will add smoky flavor to the food. Grill food are often identified by a crosshatch markings.

Fat Medium Method

The fat cooking method refers to culinary techniques that involve using fat, such as oil, butter, or animal fat, to cook food. Here are some common Fat Medium Method of cooking. These are as follows:

1. Sauté

Sauté means to cook quickly in a small amount of fat. Sauté generally means to the action of small piece of food tossed in a sauté pan.

2. Stir Fry

Stir Fry is used to cook quickly fast fried in a little fat or oil. Vegetables, strips of fish, meat & poultry can be fast in a wok or frying pan.

3. Pan Frying

It is used to cook in a moderate amount of fat in a pan over moderate heat. Pan frying is similar to sautéing except the fat. Content is used are more & the food take more time to prepare.

4. Shallow Fry

Shallow Fry is used to cook a small quantity of preheat fat or oil in a shallow pan or a flat surface i.e. griddle or hot plate.

Advance Method of Cooking

Advanced methods of cooking typically involve more intricate techniques, specialized equipment, and a deeper understanding of culinary principles. These methods are often employed in professional kitchens to elevate their cooking skills. Here are some common Advanced Method of cooking. These are as follows:

1. Cook Freeze

It is a process of conventional cooking of food followed by rapid chilling (i.e. 0°C to -3°C) & subsequentialy repeating immediately after service.

2. Cook Chill

It is used for prolonged the life of prepared & cooked food by rapid freezing storage at -18°C.

3. Sous Vide

In this method, food is being prepared in a vacuum sealed plastic bags by adding seasonings or marinades in it.


By exploring different cooking methods, you can elevate your culinary skills and create a wide range of delicious dishes. Whether you choose to grill, roast, boil, steam, sauté, bake, braise, or stir-fry, each method brings its own unique flavors and textures to your ingredients. So, get creative in the kitchen and experiment with these cooking methods to discover new and exciting flavors.





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