How To Make A Perfect Bread

Manufacturing of a bread is an easy task unless you know how to make bread. There are certain things which we keep in mind while bread making. These are as follows :

  • Temperature

Bread cannot be prepared in any temperature like chapati, naan, etc. Bread need a specific temperature which lies around 22 to 25 degree celsius. If we prepare bread in hot weather conditions like above 35 degree celsius, it rises rapidly due to the activation of yeast which leads to the swelling of the dough and makes bread difficult to handle.

  • Quantity of Ingredients

Bread making is not like to prepare Indian gravy without measuring the ingredients . In bread making, ingredients like refined flour, sugar, salt, yeast and water is used. If we prepare bread by using ingredient more than we need, we didn’t get the desired results and get the product with some faults like dense bread, hollow bread, etc.

  • Proving

In bakery terms, proving (also called proofing) is a step in the preparation of yeast bread and other baked goods in which the dough is allowed to rest and rise it before baking. Proving should be done in two stages i.e. Primary Proving, & Secondary Proving. In Primary Proving, mix all the ingredients together and knead it properly and put it on clean and humid surface i.e. proving chamber. In Secondary Proving, we just need to knead the dough a little to remove all air which incorporate inside the dough at the time of primary fermentation and put it on proving chamber for some time.

Steps of Bread Making

Bread making involves a series of simple yet crucial steps that transform basic ingredients into a delicious loaf. Here’s an overview of the key steps:

Step-1: Gathering ingredients as required, & set the oven on preheat mode.

Step-2: Combine dry ingredients by sifting method, and then gradually add water to form a dough which result in to form gluten. Knead the dough until it becomes smooth and elastic.

Step-3: Allow the dough to ferment or rise, giving yeast time to ferment and create carbon dioxide. This step contributes to the bread’s texture and flavor.

Step-4: Deflate the risen dough to eliminate excess carbon dioxide and redistribute the yeast. This process is also known as “Knock Back”.

Step-5: Form the dough into the desired shape, whether it’s a round loaf, baguette, or any other shapes you like.

Step-6: Allow the shaped dough to rise again, promoting additional fermentation and flavor development.

Step-7: Scoring the dough, if it is over proof.

Step-8: Place the shaped and risen dough in the oven. The heat causes the dough to rise further, and the crust to develop.

Step-9: Allow the freshly baked bread to cool before slicing. This step ensures the interior structure sets properly.

Step-10: Packaging, Labeling & then Storing of Bread at room temperature.

Remember, each step is crucial, and variations in ingredients, techniques, and timing can result in diverse types of bread, from rustic artisan loves


Making perfect bread is a delightful journey of combining simple ingredients with care and patience. From mixing and kneading to letting the dough rise and baking to a golden perfection, each step contributes to the magic of homemade bread. Paying attention to details, like proper rising times and shaping, ensures a fluffy interior and a crust that’s just right. The aroma that fills your kitchen as the bread bakes is a reward in itself. So, embrace the process, enjoy the warmth of fresh bread, and take pride in creating a perfect loaf that fills your home with joy and the comforting smell of success.





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