Everything about Hotel Industry

  • Dive In The World To Understand Front Office Hierarchy

    Dive In The World To Understand Front Office Hierarchy

    The front office is like the smiling face of a business. It’s where the company meets and interacts with its guests, or visitors. This part of the organization includes people you see right away, like receptionists who welcome you and answer your questions, as well as customer service and sales teams who help with your…

  • Dive in the world of Jaggery Tea Cake

    Dive in the world of Jaggery Tea Cake

    Jaggery is something which is very healthy to consume. It is like a healthy version of sugar which is being produced by milling process, whereas in case of jaggery, it being produced without milling process. If you want to know more about Jaggery & Sugar, click on this link to know more https://hcook.in/sugar-vs-jaggery/ . In…

  • Beyond Stars: Navigating the Diverse Classification of Hotels

    Beyond Stars: Navigating the Diverse Classification of Hotels

    Hotels are an integral part of the travel and hospitality industry, offering a range of accommodation options to suit the diverse needs and preferences of travelers. From luxurious resorts to budget-friendly stays, hotels come in various types based on factors such as location, target market, property size, level of service, length of stay, and themes.…

  • How To Make A Perfect Bread

    Manufacturing of a bread is an easy task unless you know how to make bread. There are certain things which we keep in mind while bread making. These are as follows : Bread cannot be prepared in any temperature like chapati, naan, etc. Bread need a specific temperature which lies around 22 to 25 degree…

  • Guide on Different Living Room Spaces in Hotel

    The Hotel Industry is so big and diverse that each hotel has come up with specialty products and services to carve out a niche for itself. Depending on the service, the clients they are targeting, or their location, rooms can be categorize variously to provide customers with an indication of their profile and what to…

  • KneaD To Know The Elements Used In Bread

    KneaD To Know The Elements Used In Bread

    The people in the modern world thinks that it is difficult to make a bread. In some terms, you can say that you are right. But in most of the conditions you are wrong about it. The actual fact about making a bread is mostly depending upon the climatic conditions (i.e. moist climate, hot weather,…

  • Flower Vegetables: How to Consume Them

    Flower Vegetables: How to Consume Them

    Whenever a person think about a flower, then he thinks of flowers like rose, sunflower, marigold, tulips, daisies, etc. which aren’t providing any nutritional benefits to the human body. But there are some other flowers which are normally used as a vegetables and it can provide nutritional benefits as well. These are bok choy (chinese…

  • Variations of Vegetables – Types, Groups & Famous Choices

    Colorful and nutritious, vegetables are one of the healthiest foods you can eat. Veggies are also very versatile, and depending on a type they can be used fresh for salads or cooked in many different ways.  There are many different types of vegetables and they are often classified based on their edible parts that are…

  • Pasta Paradise: A Flavorful Expedition through Diverse Types of Pasta – Your Ultimate Guide

    One of the most widely available foods in the world is pasta. This common, affordable staple exists in almost every nation in its own distinctive form. Hungary and Germany both have spaetzle. Greece uses orzo. Poland is known for its pocket-sized pierogi. Jewish Ashkenazi households cook kreplach dumplings. With the exception of spaghetti and meatballs,…

  • Everything You Need To Know About Different Types Of Chopping Boards

    The different chopping board colors live for the purpose of food safety. In a colored mincing board system, each board is used for a different type of food or food groups. For illustration, a red mincing board has a different use to a green mincing board. Using colored boards helps to minimize the threat of…

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