Soup Sensations: A Culinary Journey Through Broths, Bisques, and More

Soup is a liquid food consisting of meat, sea-food, vegetable, cereals, poultry etc. They plan an important role on the menu and are regarded as appetizer as they stimulated the appetite for the heavier food to follow.

Classification of Soups

Clear Soup

  1. Broth: It is a stock based soup which is not thickened. It is served unpassed and garnished with chopped herbs, vegetables or meat. Examples:- Minestrone Soup, Scotch Broth, etc.
  2. Consomme: It is a clear soup which is clarified with egg whites. It is named after the garnish used in soup. Example:- Consomme Paysanne, Consomme Brunoise, Consomme Butter, etc.

Thick Soup

  1. Puree: This kind of soups made by cooking and then pureeing vegetables or ingredients used in the soup. Examples:- Lentil Soup, Potato Soup, Carrot Soup, etc.
  2. Velouté: It is a thick soup, which is thickened with a blond roux, passed and finished with a liaison. They may be vegetable or chicken based stock. Example:- Velouté of Chicken, Velouté of Mushroom, etc.
  3. Cream: It is a passed thick soup. It may be vegetable based or even meat based. Cream is thickened with béchamel and finished with cream. Example:- Cream of Mushroom, Cream of Chicken, etc.
  4. Bisque: It is a shell-fish based soup which is passed and may be garnished with dices of the sea food used. It is thickened with rice & finished with cream. Example:- Lobster Bisque.
  5. Chowder: Chowder are not strained and traditionally they are sea food-based soup thickened with potatoes & thickened with cream or milk. Example:- Clam Chowder, Sea food Chowder, etc.

Cold Soup

These soup are served cold but not chilled. Chilling would dull the flavours and the soup would taste bland. This soup may be thin or thick, passed or unpassed. Example:- Gazpacho, Jellied Consomme, etc.

International Soup

This kind of sauce do not have a separate classification as they represent the region of origin. Example:- Green Turtle Soup from England, French Onion Soup from France, Mulligatawny Soup from India, etc.






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